This institution aims at sheltering the old men, the handicapped, the ordinary and mental patients who are disowned and thrown into the street by their near ones. It is the first and the premier home of Ashraya started in the year 2000 at Kalayapuram on 1 acre of land. It has a built up building area of 45,000 sq.ft., intended to provide decent living to old people abandoned by their family or suffering illness , among whom majority are blind, deaf or dumb or patients suffering from Cancer, TB, Asthma, Epilepsy HIV Aids. The discharged persons continue to receive medical attention and support.
Ashraya Palliative Care Unit, Kalayapuram
Palliative care services are offered separately for men and women residing at Sanketham. Many people have been receiving care and service from the centre. In addition to the in-house service palliative care is also extended outside to the bedridden patients of economically weaker sections. Normally, they are provided with necessary nursing, medicines, counselling and physiotherapy services. Some beneficiaries are currently enjoying a monthly lump sum financial assistance per month.

Ashraya Sanketham De-Addiction Center
Addiction and substance abuse is a strong instrument of destruction and disintegration of families thus causing deprivation, delinquency and even of destitution of the members therein. Therefore this centre has taken up de-addiction services with great zeal. We have a dedicated team of Psychiatrists, clinical psychologist, counsellors and adequate number of nursing staff serving at this centre.